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Welcome to my Mind Space !!!
The Importance of Patience in design
Design is one of the easiest things to critique. Juxtapose it with a piece of code. Have you ever seen anybody looking at the code for 2…
Running a successful Design Team is Challenging
The challenges that come our way are not always very interesting and high-profile. But we make sure we turn it into an opportunity to…
Why we named our Design team “The teaMasters” ?
teaMasters ?? An unusual name for a Design team right. Well, the story behind this unusual name is the concept of a tea stall. Most of the…
Being a UX designer in the “Semiconductor industry”
Back in school I was scared of Semiconductors. Physics was my favourite subject, but “pnp and npn transistors” were concepts I strictly…
How designers can take advantage of our Laziness ?
It is human nature to expect the greatest outcome for the least amount of work. How many of us go through the pain of customising each setting in our smartphones ?
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