This story starts 28 years ago
Once upon a Time...
Once upon a time in India, in a small town of Palakkad, a baby was labelled an engineer within hours of being born. The baby too embraced it with both hands and completed his engineering degree with flying colors. That baby of course was me 😁
Engineering got me closer to Design
Engineering gave me opportunities which brought me closer to design. I found design to be more rewarding than engineering. Initially I got captivated about how I can make my software look aesthetically pleasing. Later I realized, looks are just one part of the bigger solution. I started exploring more about user centered design and various techniques associated with it. I found it very interesting 😁
Rewrote my career as a Designer
Being a designer is easy. Being a good designer is hard. To be a good designer I started learning design properly. It was fun to learn from some of the leading experts and mentors in the industry.
Present Day
I have 8 years of experience designing solutions for complex engineering and fintech problems. Previously, I have helped design 10+ Enterprise software solutions in the Semiconductor industry with a focus on Evaluation and System Integration. I am part of the Intuit's QuickBooks Desktop and Migration team. These days, I work in collaboration with the best minds at Intuit to power prosperity among small business owners in the US, UK and Canada through Quickbooks.